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1. What is ADHD Coaching? 

                      I am a certified life coach first.  However, as a trained Professional Certified Coach I specialize in the unique ADHD                       challenges, including time management, procrastination, difficulty prioritizing, and initiating tasks.  We will work                       together to achieve your goals in our sessions.  


2. What is a typical coaching session like? 

                  You come to the session bringing a topic, which can be anything that has you feeling stuck.  We will work together                        on ways to use your strengths, enhance your positive beliefs and create strategies in order to move forward.  


3. What if I forget what we discussed in between our sessions?

                I will email you a brief summary following each session, so you can refer to it when you are working to achieve your                   goals.  I am also available via email to support you in between our sessions.


4. What if I don’t have ADHD? 

              Although it’s my specialty, you certainly don’t need to have ADHD to benefit from working with a life coach.  I am here               to partner with you to share tools, strategies and approaches to reach your goals and become your best self. 


5. How do I know if coaching is right for me?  

            I offer a complimentary session to give you a sense of what a typical coaching session is like, so you can determine if coaching is something you’d like to pursue.  Contact me and we can get started.

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